Healthy Eating for Vibrant Aging™

The foods we eat has a direct impact on our health.

Healthy eating will slow down our aging, boost our immune system, lower inflammation throughout our bodies, help raise our resistance to breast cancer, all while making our hair shinier and our skin more radiant. 

A diet rich in low glycemic fruits and antioxidant-packed vegetables helps us sleep better and improves all our cognitive functions.

prevention on our plates

Popular Articles

gut-brain connection

We are hearing about a new health-related term, the gut-brain connection. What is the gut brain connection and how is it related to the aging brain?

your brain on food

We are hearing about a new health-related term, the gut-brain connection. What is the gut brain connection and how is it related to the aging brain?

brain health

The best “brain foods” to help your brain, and you, function at your most vibrant. Based on the latest researchand listed in rough order of importance.

Telomeres are protective endcaps on the threads of our DNA. Proper diet can strengthen and lengthen telomeres for cognitive function and every cell.

Recent Articles

your brain on food mediterrean diet

Your Brain on Food

  • 5 min read
Discover the powerful connection between diet and brain health! Learn the surprising impact of sugar and pesticides on cognitive function and how the Mediterranean diet...

Vibrant Aging™ 101

Here are some topics we will cover in this self-paced course:
     ● Recognizing Ageism
     ● What Exactly is Vibrant Aging™?
     ● What Are the Physical Aspects of Aging Vibrantly?
     ● How to Keep Our Brains Humming
     ● Healthy Food Choices for Living Vibrantly

Learn more about this FREE Introductory Class, Vibrant Aging™ 101.

Quick Facts on a Healthy Diet for Vibrant Aging™

Food for Cancer Prevention

This wide variety of vegetables can lower our risk of breast cancer (50%) and pancreatic cancer (38%), and a man’s risk of prostate cancer (46%) or pancreatic cancer (35%).

Cruciferous Vegetables

Arugula, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collard greens, Horseradish, Kale, Radishes, Rutabaga, Turnips, Watercress, Wasabi
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Does Sugar Really Matter?

Like many of us, it seems the longer I have stayed at home, the more inclined I become to add a little sweet treat to help me deal with being on an extended staycation.

Negative Impact of Sugar

Sugar results in inflammation that zooms straight to our brains - actually killing brain cells. It causes insulin resistance or “high blood sugar", reduces blood flow, and causes vascular dementia.
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Which Vitamins are Important?

70% of Americans are deficient in one or more of the vitamins and minerals vital to good health. The lack of vitamins and minerals slowly robs us of our vitality and speeds up the decline of our body.

Actionable Sleep Tips

Dr. Ames has identified 30 known vitamins and essential minerals, along with 11 additional substances not currently classified as vitamins, which when taken at optimal levels are the best supplements for brain health.
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The Importance of Water

Our bodies are made up of 60% water, our brains and hearts are 73% water and our lungs 83% water. Every organ in our bodies, and every system and process of our bodies, require water to run properly.

Hydration and Electrolytes

Brain fog and mental confusion are also triggers that tell us our bodies need more water. Researchers found that a steady practice of denying your brain the water it needs can speed up the development of dementia.
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Additional Healthy Eating Resources

Healthy Eating Habits from Around the Web

Glycemic Index
A Beginner’s Guide to the Low Glycemic Diet
Studies have shown that the low GI diet may result in weight loss, reduce blood sugar levels, and lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This article provides a detailed review of the low GI diet, including what it is, how to follow it, and its benefits and drawbacks.
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supplements for boosting immune system
Dr. Bruce Ames
Prolonging healthy aging: Longevity vitamins and proteins
Because nutrient deficiencies are highly prevalent in the United States (and elsewhere), appropriate supplementation and/or an improved diet could reduce much of the consequent risk of chronic disease and premature aging.
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